If you’re looking for an innovative family medical clinic in Southeast Arkansas, Woodside Medical has you covered. The clinic, located in Monticello, Arkansas, was started by doctors Jim and Katelyn Carmical in 2021. Woodside aims to bring the highest-quality healthcare to patients efficiently, while focusing on patient-provider communication and providing easy access to health information. One of the most important functions of the clinic is providing laboratory services.
Our Laboratory Services
The most common use of lab services is to have blood work taken. How often you need this service will depend on a few factors such as your age, medical history, family history medical conditions, screenings and lifestyle. Bloodwork can help diagnose some conditions early, determine the success of a treatment, show your risk status for certain conditions and monitor long-term illnesses.
The Benefits of Bloodwork
Bloodwork can literally save your life. Early detection of a serious illness means more time to treat that illness, which gives a patient a better chance at survival. Even in less serious cases, it allows doctors to see how other treatments are progressing or even just to ensure there’s nothing bad on the horizon for seemingly healthy patients. If you believe you need bloodwork done, Woodside Medical is here for you. The Blood Testing Lab is readily available, as is the portal access to view your results. Woodside integrates its lab work with its specialty care. Give us a call at 870-224-4411 today to get your bloodwork scheduled.